Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Power of Prayer

This week has been hard for me. So for about 3 or 4 weeks I have been planning this activity for my branch. Everytime we have an activity at the church no one ever shows up because of whatever reason. The last activity we had only 3 people from the branch showed up. So Hermana Patrick being Hermana Patrick thought... What can the missionaries do to make members and less actives come to activities. Well if you know me Im all for having fun when you make an activity. So while watching one of the district videos I had an idea pop in my head. We were going to do something for the family. Here in Panama mothers day is the 8th of December. So Saturday the 6th of December I planned an activity for mothers day. I had been working on it for weeks and thinking about what we could do to get anyone and everyone there. So here in Panama the people like to party. So why not have a big party with a wáter balloon fight, bobbing for apples, 3 legged races, just dance wii, a cake walk and many other activitys. I thought about how I could tie in the góspel with all these different activities. For example the 3 legged race I was going to put up a sign that had the proclamation to the family on there and talk about how the mother and father needed to work together to raise the family and get to the other side. For every game I tied in the góspel somehow and everything was coming together. I decided that it was time to take my idea to my distirct and the district leader so the we could get it approved by the Branch President and start working to make this activity awesome!! As I took my idea to everyone everyone loved it. They were all willing to work as hard as they could to get members involved and less actives at the activity. All but one person...............................My district leader. He didnt like my idea and said that it would be to much work and that it was imposible. He told me that I needed to plan something else and to rethink everything. He also said that no one ever comes to activities and that we would never be able to get people there and involved. If you know me this really hurt my feelings. I planned really hard for this and thought it would be a great way to get everyone together. So me being a bad missionary, I got an attitude with my District leader and we stopped talking. I took my idea to the Branch pres. and he loved it so we are going to do the activity anyways. But while this was all happening I started to have negative feelings about my DL and I really wanted to do my best to love everyone. I read in PMG about christlike attributes and I said sorry to my DL and now everything is cool. But I really had a hard time with this because I was being of the world and not of Christ like I should be. I got on my knees and asked Heavenly Father to help me with the trail and he did. Now Im doing great. It just goes to show how loving God is and how willing he is to help you when things get hard.

So if you remember last weeks email you will remember about how I said we were going to invite a little girl to be baptized this week. We had a whole lesson planned out and when we showed up to her house she looked at us and said "Can you please baptize me"? My comp. and I looked at her and said YES. This little girl is such a great example of doing what the Lord says without being selfish. She knew the right thing to do and instead of waiting around for someone else to do something she just did it. So now my comp and I have a date set for the 29th of this month to baptize her. I cant wait. She is a special child of God.

So this week my comp and I sat down and made a goal to follow every single rule in the hand book. We knew it was going to be hard but we knew that if we did, the Lord would bless us 100 fold. So the day we set the goal we went to teach a lesson to the little girl who is getting baptized on the 29th. Her 12 year old cousin came in the room and started to listen to what we were saying. The little girl stopped the lesson and asked how old you had to be to be baptized. We told her 8 years old. She then said so if your 12 can you be baptized? We said yes.... She then looked at her cousin and said "you want to be baptized right"? The little boy said yes and she said "do you want to be baptized in the Mormon church"? the boy again said yes... and so there you have it. We are going to set a goal with him for the 6th of December and see how it Works. The lord really does bless you if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

Well thats all for this week guys. Hope you all have a great week. Love you all and miss you tons but Im busy saving souls out here in Panama.

-Love always Hermana Patrick
                      This is San Blas. The island.. This is someones house and this is the mola that they made. They can make it on ties and on other things as well. All the Elders have mola ties its so cool. You can ever find someone to make the tie say Panama on them

These are some kuna and the mola they made. Just go on google and type in mola ties panama and you will see all the mola stuff and the kuna people. 

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