Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Learning experience

Hola everyone
       Well guys..... Ive been thinking alot about what to say this week... Then it hit me. Something that I really had a hard time with before the mission was judging people and also being prideful. It was my way or the highway. Then Elder Nysetvold (my ex district leader) came into the district. He was very upfront when he said things and I hated him for the longest time. Then my mission president told me I needed to fix the problem. Me being me, I didnt want to fix the problem. I thought that he was the problem and he needed to change. Then I realized that it was me, not him but me. I tried my best for 2 weeks to change and become a better person and noe Elders Nysetvold is a really great friend of mine. I was reading this talk while I was studying today in my personal study. Its titled "Lord, is it I?" by President Uchtdorf. I this talk he tells a story about a young man that believed that if he put lemon juice on his face then he could be invisible to cameras. So he went out and robbed two banks. Later he was arrested and while talking to the cops, the cops showed him the video of him robbing the two banks. He couldnt believe his eyes. He really thought the lemon juice was going to work. Someone scientist couldnt believe this man. So he went and did various life skill test and asked people to rate themselves on how they think they did. The student that performed poorly were the least accurate at evaluating their performance- some of them estimating their scores to be five times higher then they actually were.
We all know the story of Jesus Christ and the dinner that he had with his disciples right before he was about to do the unforgetable thing for each and every one of us. As he broke the bread he sad "One of you shall betray me". The disciples didnt question the truth of what he said. Nor did they look around and point to someone else, and ask "is it him". Instead they all were sad and said "Lord is it I?" We all need to remember this. This line is something that has really helped me alot on my mission and I would like to share it with you guys today because we could all do a little better. In fact thats why we are here. To imporove to become like Christ. We need to look at ourselves and said "lord is it I?" Not "Lord is it Bob or Billy," but I!! "I wonder what each of us would do if we were asked that question by the Savior. Would we look at those around us and say in our hearts, "He´s probably talking about Brother Johnson. I´ve always wondered about him." or "Im glad Brother Brown is here. He really needs to hear this message." I hope we all look inside and say "Lord is it I?" This talk has been one to help me alot and something that I want to apply after my mission as well. I invite each of you to read this talk and put all these things into practice. Dont be like the guy with the lemon juice and think that you are greater then you actually are. The glory is Gods and forever will be. Find someone this week and let them know how much you love them, that they are awesome and then if you see faults in this person, dont look at them and judge. Look and see how you can change for the better.
So now about my week... So this week has been great. I am now a 20 year old adult haha. Happy Birthday to me. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. Well the branch sung Happy Birthday to me in English and it was pretty bad and funny haha. We had a talent show on my birthday with the branch and afterward Elder Maravilla got up and said, "Well guys, today is the birthday of someone very special to me and you, Hermana Patrick come up here." After that everyone clapped and sang happy birthday in English. Then after the activity the Elders, my companion and I went to this Mexican resturant to eat. The food was pretty good. Also when I woke up my comp. made me pancakes with chocolate chips, super good. It was a great birthday. Well guys I love you all and hope that you all have a great and wonderful week. This week on Friday night we will be locked in the house for 4 days because it will be a bit crazy. Partys and drinking so looks like Ill be reading the BOM for the next 4 days. Ill try and finish it along with the New Testament. Love you guys. Have a great week!!
-Hermana Patrick (the 20 year old) :)

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