Hola everyone,
I have A LOT of stuff to tell you guys and soo
little time... so lets get started!
1. Can you say APOSTASY!!! Okay now that we got that out of
the way.. So this week we experienced so good ol apostasy! So here in our area
we have this church that have a Cristo Negro AKA Black Christ. But let me tell
you guys a little about what goes on the 21st of October here in our area every
year. So this has been going on all week leading up to the 21st. So they have
this huge event that takes place at the church and some people walk the 53
milies from the city of Panama all the way here to our area in Portobelo..
Others walk 22 miles from a part in our area called Sabanitas, and many crawl
the last mile on there hands and knees to worship this black Christ. WHY??? You
ask... Well.... So they do this to atone from all the crimes that these people
have commited in there lives. Most of these people that are making this walk
are criminal from various parts of the world. There are many stories related to
the criminals participating in this festival day which has resulted in
designating the Black Christ as the "patron saint of criminals."`So
they make this walk to recieve forgivness from their sins. They believe that if
they make the walk they will have this forgivness but not only that.. they also
believe that they can ask for things like drugs and this Black Christ will give
it to them. I really dont understand it but hey thats apostasy for you, its
never easy to understand.
So my comp and I had a dinner the night that everyone and
there dogs AND CHILDREN!! YES CHILDREN were making this walk to this Black
Christ. The dinner was close to our house so we decided to walk home instead of
paying for a bus with money we didnt have. So to let you guys know, people are
selling hamburgers and soda and all kinds of stuff to this people that are
walking because, well its 53 miles. As we are walking home people are trying to
give us water and cheering us on and we are just like WHAT?? NO!! We teach the
truth haha... It was pretty funny but we talked to a ton of people and invited
them to church. Fun stuff...
2. So we were waiting for the bus to go to one of our
investigators house when this really scary guy came up to us and started to
talk to us... Now normaly my comp gets all the stares because well... shes
white and looks different from anyone here haha... But not this time. This guy
was staring me down and kept calling me pretty and all this stuff. It was like
AWKWARD!! Haha... but we ended up teaching him a lesson with his brother and
the Elders this week and they want to be baptized. Dont worry guys... we only
teach them with other members or the Elders. Fun guy!
3. So we also had this really powerful lesson with one of out
investigators named Xenia. She is about 80 years old and we have been teaching
her for a long time but she has never accepted a baptism date UNTIL NOW!! She
said yes to being baptized and we were sooo happy. We told her that we would
pass by her house on Sunday in the morning so we can go to church with her and
she said yes. So we went by on Sunday and what happened?? She said she didnt
want to go to church.... like ever. It was really sad but when we went to
church we have 5 other investigators at church so that helped our spirits a
little bit.
4. I have also had some very spiritual experiences this week
that I cant really share with you guys but I just want you to know that this
gospel is sooo true! I cant express to you guys how much joy I have in my life
because of the gospel! We are all soo blessed and we need to always remember
that! I have never been so happier in all my life! This gospel is true and I
know that Christ lives!!
I love you guys and hope that you all have a wonderful
Con amor
Hermana Patrick
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